In this test, you will learn how to use 5 different "virtual rotational controllers" to perform 3D rotation of an object on the screen. We are interested in both the SPEED and ACCURACY of your performance. Be assured, if you can use a one-button mouse, you can use these virtual controllers. In each trial, the computer will show you a tilted house in the "Matching Window" and a upright house in the "Rotation Window". Your task is to rotate the house in the "Rotation Window" until it is oriented like the house in the other window. When you think the 2 houses are the same, press the spacebar with your other hand. The computer will then tell you how close the match was. An excellent match is rated with four stars ****, a very good match with three ***, and so on. Try to be accurate, but also try to be fast. Both are equally important. (Hacker's note: don't try to compare jaggies during matching. It doesn't work!) This experiment has 2 parts. In each part, you will: a) learn how to use one of the virtual controllers, b) be given several practice trials (not timed), c) do the actual test trials (timed). The entire experiment will take approximately an hour. You will have a short break after each controller. Ask the experimenter if you have any other questions now. Press the spacebar to continue.